Tuesday, December 17, 2013

10 Things You'll Remember if You Were a '90s Kid!!!

1. Do you remember Pogs? Ha ha ha!

2. Friends were your favorite friends in the TV box. Oh, what wacky times you had with the gang.

3. Home Alone and its laugh-a-minute sequels hit you in the face like several paint cans on ropes.

4. There were only 151 Pokemon. You were not yet greedy.

5. Capri-Sun and Sunny Delight. Bill Clinton was president and there was not a cloud in the sky.

6. Lisa Frank stickers were everywhere! Maybe you were a boy and didn't like pink, sparkly things. Or maybe you did?

7. You ate the Fruit By the Foot and drank the Crystal Pepsi. You ate it all. You drank it all.

8. Remember the X-Files? When the horror came from beyond the stratosphere or from deep in the sewers? How we laughed then.

9. Super Nintendo or Sega? Perhaps you preferred the fast, punk-rock attitude of Sonic the Hedgehog or the stoic, stalwart blue-collar heroism of Mario. Not that it matters now.

10. One time it snowed a lot and you got to stay home from school. You fashioned a man from the snow. Then God in his wisdom reminded you of what happens when you create in your own image.

11. Remember the faded photograph of you, surrounded by the Care Bears? You were happy then. Naive and innocent. You didn't drink half your body weight in alcohol then. Blissfully ignorant of the dark, smoke-filled tunnel. You dug it yourself. It is lined with your shame.

12. Jobs. Remember those? Once we had Cash, Jobs, and Hope. Now there is no cash, no jobs, and no hope. Once we had Cash, Jobs, and Hope. Now there is no cash, no jobs, and no hope. Once we had Cash, Jobs, and Hope. Now there is no cash, no jobs, and no hope. Once we had Cash, Jobs, and Hope. Now there is no cash, no jobs, and no hope. Once we had Cash, Jobs, and Hope. Now there is no cash, no jobs, and no hope. Once we had Cash, Jobs, and Hope. Now there is no cash, no jobs, and no hope. Once we had Cash, Jobs, and Hope. Now there is no cash, no jobs, and no hope. Once we had Cash, Jobs, and Hope. Now there is

13. Remember the time you sat on the roof with your first girlfriend? Her hair was dyed pink and her eyes were filled with love and hope and sex and dreams and stars. You sat together and watched the fires rise and the city fill with smoke, your mind somewhere far away.

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